Tehran Institute for Advanced Studies (TEIAS)

/ Data Science in Distributed-Systems Research


Data Science in Distributed-Systems Research

July 14, 2020
(24 Tir, 1399)


This Talk is online


Maarten van Steen

Professor of Large-Scale Distributed Computer Systems at the University of Twente Scientific Director of the Digital Society Institute


As in so many other domains, data-driven research is becoming an indispensable way of developing solutions for distributed computer systems. This way of working is shaping the next generation of systems researchers. A typical example is using machine-learning techniques for analysis of network traffic for reasons of security: a researcher will have to understand the tools, while at the same time being an expert on security. Likewise, closed-loop architectures are being developed for monitoring cloud computers and predicting their performance, where predictions are based on, again, machine-learning techniques . Finally, to understand massively decentralized communication structures, one often uses techniques from complex-network analyses. These examples illustrate that the field of distributed systems touches upon much more than what we tend to think. In this brief talk, I will focus on some of these examples with the intent to inspire systems researchers to explore tools and techniques they would normally not easily adopt.



MAARTEN VAN STEEN is professor at the University of Twente, where he is scientific director of the Digital Society Institute. He is specialized in large-scale distributed systems, now concentrating on very large wireless distributed systems, notably in the context of crowd monitoring and privacy-enhancing techniques. Next to Internet-based systems, he has published extensively on distributed protocols, wireless (sensor) networks, and gossiping solutions. Maarten van Steen is associate editor for ACN Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, and section editor for Advances in Complex Systems. He authored and co-authored three textbooks, including “Distributed Systems” (with Andrew Tanenbaum), now in its 3rd edition, as well as an introduction to Graph Theory and Complex Networks. More on his teaching and research can be found on www.distributed-systems.net.