Tehran Institute for Advanced Studies (TEIAS)

/ Actual Causality and Counter-Factual Reasoning


Actual Causality and Counter-Factual Reasoning

November 10, 2020
(20 Aban, 1399)


This Talk is online


Mohammad Reza Mousavi

Professor of Data-Oriented Software Engineering at the University of Leicester


Explaining phenomena, particularly failures, using counterfactual causal reasoning has been a challenging line of research in science and engineering. An instance of this line of research in computer science has been about explaining counterexamples found in the process of verification and testing. In this talk, we start with an introduction to the concept of causality and counter-factual reasoning. Then, we give an overview of our past work on causal analysis for reactive systems. Finally, we present the directions of our ongoing work to applying causal analysis to autonomous cyber-physical systems and software defined networks.


Mohammad Reza Mousavi is a professor of Data-Oriented Software Engineering at University of Leicester, UK. Prior to that, he was a guest professor of software engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, professor of Computer Systems Engineering at Halmstad University, and assistant and associate professor of Computer Science at TU Eindhoven. His research interests are in formal semantics and verification and his main current research area is in model-based testing, particularly applied to software product lines and cyber physical systems.