The socio-economic consequences of the climate crisis are increasingly felt, manifesting through extreme weather events that leave behind thousands of lost lives and property damage amounting to millions of dollars every year. Recognizing the need for leaders worldwide to take immediate decisive action, the research community is poised to provide science-based recommendations to combat the climate crisis and prevent further deteriora-tion. This session seeks papers that demonstrate how extensive data, knowledge and technologies from multiple disciplines can be used in country-specific action plans and solution pathways, and should include elements such as: (1) Existing technologies, (2)
Circular economy, (3) Nature-based solutions, (4) Digitalization, (5)
Innovation commercialization, (6) Sustainable finance and adaptation investment schemes, and (7) Policy reforms. Papers may cover various aspects related to decarbonization as system dynamics modelling, linear and mixed integer optimization and stochastic modelling techniques to develop pathways of the energy system, modelling of the energy demand and energy supply, statistical and machine learning approaches to downscaling global models tonational, regional or sectoral level and ecosystem services valuation models and techniques.