Tehran Institute for Advanced Studies (TEIAS)

/ Unequal Peace (joint with Charles Zheng) __ Ali Kamranzadeh


Unequal Peace (joint with Charles Zheng)

Ali Kamranzadeh-01

September 7, 2024
(17 Shahrivar, 1403)



7th Floor Seminar Room, Daneshvar Building, Khatam University.
This event will also be live-streamed. Link will be provided to registrants.

Registration Deadline

September 6, 2024

You may need a VPN to start the talk.


Ali Kamranzadeh

Assistant Professor of Economics, Koç University


A mediator proposes a settlement between two contestants to avoid a conflict where the cost each contestant bears is inversely related to the contestant’s privately known strength. Their strength levels are identically distributed, and their welfares weigh equally in the mediator’s objective. However, the optimal proposal oers one contestant much more than it does the other so that the former accepts it always, whereas the latter only occasionally. This unequal treatment improves the prospect of peace by making one contestant willing to settle without fearing that the action signals his weakness that his opponent can exploit should conflict occur.


Ali Kamranzadeh

Ali Kamranzadeh is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Koç University. He is an economics theorist with a particular interest in mechanism design and its applications in various institutional design problems such as conict mediation and procurement auctions. His work is particularly concerned with the strategic implications of private information in conict settings and explores mechanisms that can minimize the probability of conict through carefully designed proposals. At Koç University, he continues to explore these themes, contributing to the broader discourse on economic theory and its applications to real-world political and economic conicts. Ali earned his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Western Ontario in 2022.