Tehran Institute for Advanced Studies (TEIAS)

/ Attention Based Deep Neural Network for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification – Maryam Imani


Attention Based Deep Neural Network for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification

Maryam Imani 2

Sunday, February 16, 2025
(28 Bahman, 1403)

10:00 AM


7th Floor Seminar Room, Daneshvar Building, Khatam University.

Registration Deadline

February 15, 2025

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Maryam Imani

Associate Professor at Tarbiat Modares University


Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR), called PolSAR, images containing polarimetric, scattering and contextual features are useful radar data for ground surface classification. Appropriate feature extraction and fusion by using a small set of available labeled samples is an important and challenging task. Several transformers with self-attention mechanism have recently achieved great success for PolSAR image classification. In this talk, an attention based deep neural network is introduced for PolSAR image classification. While almost all methods just exploit the self-attention features from the PolSAR cube, the proposed feature fusion method, which is called attention based scattering and contextual (ASC) network, utilizes the polarimetric self-attention beside two cross-attention blocks. The cross-attention blocks extract the polarimetric-scattering dependencies and polarimetric-contextual interactions, individually. The proposed ASC network uses three inputs: the PolSAR cube, the scattering feature maps obtained by clustering of the entropy-alpha features, and the segmentation maps obtained by a super-pixel generation algorithm. The features extracted by self- and cross-attention blocks are fused together, and the residual learning improves the feature learning. While transformers and attention-based networks usually need large training sets, the proposed ASC network shows high efficiency with relatively low number of training samples in various real and synthetic PolSAR images.


Maryam Imani

Maryam Imani completed her Ph.D in Electrical Engineering, Communication, from Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran in 2015. She continued her research in Tarbiat Modares University as a postdoc. Since 2018, she has been with Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran, Iran, where she is the Associate Professor of Computer and Electrical Engineering. Dr. Imani is a senior member of IEEE now. She ranked among the top 2% scientists from 2021 to now according to Stanford University reports. Her research interests include statistical pattern recognition, machine learning, artificial intelligence, signal and image processing and remote sensing.