Tehran Institute for Advanced Studies (TEIAS)

/ The Comparative Impact of Cash Transfers and A Psychotherapy Program on Psychological and Economic Well-being __ Johannes Haushofer

Active Learning of Decomposable Systems

Talk Active Learning of Decomposable Systems November 11, 2020 (21 Aban, 1399) Venue This Talk is online [email protected] +982189174612 Jan Friso Groote Professor of Computer Science at the Eindhoven University of Technology Overview Active automata learning is a technique of querying black box systems and modelling their behavior. In this paper, we aim to apply…

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Actual Causality and Counter-Factual Reasoning

Talk Actual Causality and Counter-Factual Reasoning November 10, 2020 (20 Aban, 1399) Venue This Talk is online [email protected] +982189174612 Mohammad Reza Mousavi Professor of Data-Oriented Software Engineering at the University of Leicester Overview Explaining phenomena, particularly failures, using counterfactual causal reasoning has been a challenging line of research in science and engineering. An instance of…

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A Myhill-Nerode Theorem for Register Automata and Symbolic Trace Languages

Talk A Myhill-Nerode Theorem for Register Automata and Symbolic Trace Languages October 14, 2020(23 Mehr, 1399) Venue This Talk is online [email protected] +982189174612 Frits Vaandrager Professor of Informatics for Technical Applications, Radboud University, Netherlands Overview We propose a new symbolic trace semantics for register automata (extended finite state machines) which records both the sequence of…

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Convergence and Equilibrium in Generative Adversarial Networks

Talk Convergence and Equilibrium in Generative Adversarial Networks September 13, 2020(23 Shahrivar, 1399) Venue This Talk is online [email protected] +982189174612 Dr. Farzan Farnia Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Overview Generative adversarial networks (GANs) represent a zero-sum game between two machine players, a generator and a discriminator, designed to learn the…

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Research Methods in Networks and Systems

Talk Research Methods in Networks and Systems September 09, 2020(19 Shahrivar, 1399) Venue This Talk is online [email protected] +982189174612 Srinivasan Keshav Robert Sansom Professor of Computer Science at the University of Cambridge   Overview In this talk, I review the basic principles for performing and disseminating great research. I start with some hints on the…

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TeIAS Introduces its Special Master’s Program in Data Science

Announcement TeIAS Introduces its Special Master’s Program in Data Science Add to Google Calendar Announcement TeIAS Introduces Its Special Master’s Program in Data Science Overview After gaining acceptable results in holding a Special MSc Program in Economics, in line with its policy and vision for continuous growth and development, TeIAS has been planning to add…

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