Tehran Institute for Advanced Studies (TEIAS)

/ CS-Open Positions

Faculty Opening in CS Department


Tehran Institute for Advanced Studies (TEIAS) is seeking to recruit new faculty members (at all ranks) who can contribute to research and teaching in the wide area of Computer Science, Statistics and other related areas. Priority is given to candidates with a background in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning or Image Processing. However, we consider exceptional candidates in all other related areas.

TEIAS (https://teias.institute/) was established in 2017 within an ambitious project to establish a world class advanced research and higher education institute in Iran. TEIAS distinguishes itself from other universities and research institutes in Iran by providing access to world-class instrumentation, research facilities, and travel support for attending conferences or other scientific events. TEIAS also provides a generous package with competitive salary and benefits. Moreover, unlike other universities in Iran which adopt a quantitative “paper-counting” criterion for scientific evaluation, TEIAS emphasizes quality over quantity (as practiced by world-leading universities).

The Data Science program of TEIAS was initiated in 2019 with the aim of establishing an environment for carrying out world-class research in this domain. TEIAS has succeeded in already hiring three full time faculty members with research experience at some of the top universities in the world (https://teias.institute/faculty-members/). TEIAS had its first cohort of graduate students in Data Science in Fall 2020.

TEIAS is looking to hire new faculty in the field of Data Science. The applicants shall demonstrate ability to carry out world class research and shall have PhD in Computer Science or related fields by the start date of the appointment. The successful candidate will already have a strong track record in the relevant research area and preferably have some postdoctoral experience. Applicants will have developed or show evidence of being able to develop their own distinctive research theme(s).


If you are interested in applying for this position, please send us the relevant documents at the email address below. Please ensure to include your Curriculum Vitae (CV) with a list of publications and a cover letter including a 2-4 page summary of your research interests and future plans, and any other relevant documents such as teaching statements. Applicants should also provide the contact details of three references. Enquiries about the post can be addressed to the same email address.

Further information can be found here.


Part-time Research Scholars

We are always looking for highly motivated researchers in the areas of computer science, applied mathematics and related areas to collaborate with us as part-time researchers. If you are interested, please send us an email with your resume.

Enquiries about the posts can be addressed to the email address:

[email protected]