Tehran Institute for Advanced Studies (TEIAS)

/ Data Venture 2024


Data Venture 2024



September 11-18, 2024
(21-28 Shahrivar, 1403)

AI Competition

September 13 | 23 Shahrivar: Non-attendance
September 19 | 29 Shahrivar: In person


Khatam University

Registration Deadline

September 6, 2024

You may need a VPN to start the talk.



The Data venture event is organized with the support of Khatam University and TEIAS Institute and with the cooperation of more than 10 companies and 10 speakers.


All those interested in the field of technology, data analysis and AI are invited to participate in this event.


📌 AI Competition, Webinars, Networking
✅ 340 million Tomans in cash and non-cash prizes to the best and most talented teams in the data analysis competition
✅ Networking with leading companies and universities
✅ An introduction to the emerging career paths in webinars


AI Competition registration fee: 150,000 tomans
Webinars registration fee: 120,000 tomans