Tehran Institute for Advanced Studies (TEIAS)

/ The Impact of Generative AI on Consumer Creativity and Product Choices __ Sina Esteky


The Impact of Generative AI on
Consumer Creativity and Product Choices

Sina Esteky-01

August 10, 2024
(20 Mordad, 1403)



7th Floor Seminar Room, Daneshvar Building, Khatam University.
This event will also be live-streamed. Link will be provided to registrants.

Registration Deadline

August 9, 2024

You may need a VPN to start the talk.


Sina Esteky

Assistant Professor of Marketing, Farmer School of Business Miami University


The accelerated integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into traditionally human-dominated sectors such as creativity and design has stirred multifaceted responses and inquiries. This research examines the downstream effects of AI design provenance (i.e., design credited to AI vs. humans) on consumers’ creative cognition and product choices. Five studies demonstrate that exposure to artwork, brand logos, and products purported to be AI-designed (vs. human-designed) enhances consumers’ creative performance and increases their preference for novel products. However, the effect only occurs when the design is perceived as aesthetically appealing. We find that the observed boost in creativity is due to a compensatory response from perceived self-threat and the inspirational role of AI. Furthermore, inducing skeptical beliefs about AI’s creative abilities reverses the effect of provenance on creative outputs. These findings offer insights into the evolving relationship between Generative AI and human creativity, with critical implications for businesses and consumers.



Sina Esteky is an Assistant Professor of Marketing in the Farmer School of Business at Miami University. He holds dual PhDs in business administration (marketing) and architecture (design studies) from the University of Michigan. Sina’s research focuses on the consequences of design on consumer behavior in physical and virtual environments. For instance, his work has helped better understand how and when architectural and sensory design elements impact people’s risk-taking behaviors, pro-social and pro-environmental decisions, eating behavior, and their engagement in collaborative innovation. His research has been published in academic journals such as the Journal of Consumer Psychology, the Journal of Environmental Psychology, and the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. It has also been featured by media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, NPR, CNBC, The Atlantic, LA Times, etc. Registration For