Tehran Institute for Advanced Studies (TEIAS)

/ Security As a Software Development Culture __ Mohammad Ghafari


Security As a Software Development Culture


December 23, 2020
(03 Dey, 1399)


This Talk is online

Registration Deadline

December 22, 2020


Mohammad Ghafari

Assistant Professor of School of Computing, Dublin City University


Rapid software development has become the norm and adopting new practices to secure software systems is necessary to keep up with this pace. In this talk, I will shortly explore the challenges that developers face to engineer robust and secure software systems and discuss how we can instill a development culture to circumvent these challenges.



Mohammad is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computing in Dublin City University, Ireland. He is passionate about Software Engineering, and specifically, has expertise at the confluence of program analysis, mining software repositories, and security. Mohammad also has a keen interest in bridging academia and industry, and conducted projects, e.g., with Google and Swiss Post. His current research revolves around building tools and techniques to tame security for mainstream developers.